Who Is The Vine Legacy?
As a chartered affinity group of the Tennessee State University National Alumni Association (TSUNAA), our purpose simply stated is: to assist our beloved TSU achieve her mission of nurturing students who Enter to Learn and producing alumni who Go Forth to Serve. We are keenly aware that today's HBCUs are operating in extremely challenging environments. Our beloved Alma Mater is not exempt, and your participation is critical to her survival. The passage of the Tennessee FOCUS Act earlier this year heightens the importance for alumni of all eras to be actively engaged and informed as we transition to an independent governing board model.
We invite you to join and support our efforts to serve TSU through programs and activities centered around building and sustaining a legacy of service through: Legacy Giving, Legacy Family, Legacy Outreach, and Legacy Connections.
Your engagement may be serving on a TVL committee or serving as a volunteer at a TVL sponsored event. The ways to serve are limitless, and we look forward to working with you in whatever area you choose to leave your legacy!
Support The Vine Legacy Endowed Scholarship
The Vine Legacy Endowed Scholarship
The Vine Legacy has established an endowed scholarship within the Tennessee State University Foundation to provide scholarships to deserving TSU students. Your generous donations will help us provide financial assistance to students in pursuit of their educational goals.